50 Years Ordained Ministry
Dr. Doug Clark
As teenagers, Doug and Ruth Clark both said "yes" to God's call to missions — Ruth as a Missionette at Craig Chapel and Doug while watching a film about missions in Africa. At Fremont First Assembly, Leroy Cloud taught Doug to be a pastor. And in Turkey, "Old Uncle Ahmet" —a tea-maker and early believer from Ephesus— taught them the Turkish language and culture while he smoked up their living room every weekend, waiting for church to begin. In 1976, Doug and Ruth became the first AG missionaries in Turkey! They spent 24 years as the Middle East/North Africa area directors – amazed by their team of 100 missionaries from Morocco to Pakistan. Ruth was an early voice for missionary women to our leadership. In their last two years, they planted Nations Church Istanbul, and Doug earned his doctorate in Missiology at AGTS . . . at 70 years old! Today, he's finishing editing an 18-book discipleship series in Turkish. And in Turkey, over 5,000 Turkish believers left Islam and share their faith in Jesus! They say, "Thank you, NorCal/Nev, for sending Doug and Ruth."
Doug and Ruth
Terry and Mary
Reverend Terry Inman
Terry was born in Lancaster, CA, in 1948, to ministry parents. He was five when he accepted Jesus at a revival service in Iowa and baptized in the Holy Spirit at eight in Turlock. Terry went to Bethany Bible College in 1966, where he met Mary Blakeley. They married in 1968. Terry graduated with a BA from Bethany and an MA in Leadership Studies at Vanguard University. The Inmans pastored in Nebraska and in North Hollywood, CA. In the NCN District, Terry was Youth Pastor for Paul Schoch at First Church in Oakland (1969-1972) and Senior Pastor at Church on the Hill in Vallejo (1980-1990). The Inmans went to Harbor Light, Fremont, in 1994, where they pastored the church and Fremont Christian Schools for 26 years and counting! Terry served as District Presbyter (1988-1990), Executive Presbyter (2015-2021), and General Council Presbytery (1997-2012). In 2013, he was honored as an Honorary Executive Presbyter. Terry has been a mentor to many, including Dr. Samuel Huddleston, Rev. Scott Peterson, Dr. Roger Valci, and his seven sons (all of whom serve the Lord with three being pastors.) Psalms 45:7 has guided his ministry. “You love justice and hate evil. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you…”
Dr. Sobhi Malek
Sobhi was born and raised in Egypt. His family regularly attended the AG church and at fourteen, Sobhi committed his life to Jesus. After graduating from the University in Cairo, Sobhi became a pharmacist and had a very prosperous business. On the weekends, he would preach in various churches. During one season, Sobhi preached a series of messages on Missions. When this series had concluded, Sobhi responded to his own alter call to work with Muslims! Sobhi moved to Belgium to attend Continental Bible College. There he met Jeri and they married in 1970. Jeri became an integral partner in ministry! Sobhi earned a Masters of Missions and a Doctor of Missiology from Fuller Theological Seminary. In Sobhi's early years of ministry, he did evangelism through correspondence where they reached 22,000 Muslims and three weekly radio programs. They planted churches in North Africa. He also authored several evangelism and discipleship books for Muslims. The Maleks spent twenty-five years translating the Bible into the Modern Standard Arabic for Muslims – the Sharif Bible. The Sharif Bible and Sharif Study Bible have more than 2 million copies in print. Most of them are in Muslim hands, including a King and some Presidents. "God's word shall prevail!" – Dr. Malek
Sobhi and Jeri
Fred and Sonja
Reverend Frederick Muster
Fred was born in Corning, CA, in 1940. He gave his life to Jesus while driving from Forbestown to Oroville in December of 1958. Fred received his Bible training from Bethany Bible College and Berean. Fred and Sonja married in 1967 and have served in ministry together since. Fred and Sonja got their start pastoring a number of "needy" churches throughout the district between 1962-1971. In 1971 they went to Fortuna to pastor Calvary Christian Center where they remained for eight years and where he started a Christian School (K-8). He pastored Cornerstone Community Church in Santa Rosa (1979-1986), Cabillo Assembly of God in Soquel (1989-1993), Liberty Christian Center in Yuba City (1993-1995), Church in the Wildwood in Forbestown (1996-2001), and Dayspring Christian Assembly in Gardnerville, NV (2001-2011). Fred and Sonja retired to Southern CA in 2011, where Fred recently passed away (March 26, 2022) … one month before being honored by the District Council for 50 years of Ordained ministry. Fred desired to reveal Jesus, His love, and His character. That all would see his ministry was not out of obligation but his relationship with Jesus.
Reverend Robert Stone
Bob was born in Antlers, OK. At 15 years old, he accepted Jesus as his Savior. At 18, Bob was filled with the Holy Spirit at a camp meeting in Oregon. He attended Bethany Bible College from 1959-1965, where he met and married Brendia. Bob graduated with a Major in Theology and a Minor in Music – he plays the violin. Bob pastored for a short time in OR before transferring to NCN. In 1968 the Stones moved to Antioch and Bob served as the associate pastor at First Assembly of God. In 1970, the Stones went to Fallon, NV, as associate pastor. While there, Bob also preached in Gabbs and Winnemucca. Bob was the senior pastor in Yerington, NV (1973-1976) and Chester, CA (1981-1982). While in Yerington, Bob served the District as the Presbyter for the Sierra NV Section in 1976. In 1978, the Stones changed ministry focus to Christian Education. Bob taught at the Capital Christian Education Center in Citrus Heights and Salinas Christian School. Bob’s dear wife, Brendia, passed away in 2003. Four years later, Bob married Linda Bates and moved to Tustin, CA, where they are enjoying retirement.
Chip and Linda
Reverend Harry “Chip” Worthington
Harry (Chip) was born in North Hollywood. Although his parents did not attend church, Chip committed his life to Jesus as a high schooler at the North Hollywood Assembly of God. Soon after, he was baptized in the Holy Spirit and called into the ministry in the same year. Chip led many to Christ on his high school campus before attending Southern California College to receive his Bible training. Chip and Linda were married while attending SCC. In 1970, Chip and Linda went to Bethel Church in Redding, to serve as Associate Pastor. In 1973, he went to Rohnert Park Assembly of God to serve as the Youth Pastor. After a short time, he became the Associate Pastor, and the church body elected him as the Senior Pastor in 1978. That’s 49 years at Rohnert Park Assembly... and counting! Chip has a heart for lost and broken people. In 2001, Chip became part of the International Conference of Police Chaplains. He teaches at many sites for Youth With A Mission. He also provides a Japanese Bible study for those in his community looking for hope and connection. Chip has lived a consistent life with passion.