
Featured Speakers

Rev. Scott Hanson, World Missions Africa

Rev. Scott Hanson has been serving in Kenya Africa as a World Missionary throughout his life. Having grown up in Africa as a missionary kid, he received a call to continue to serve the people of Africa and spread the love of Jesus. Join us as Rev. Scott shares about the Church in Africa and how we can come along side to build the churches and impact the Africa for Christ.

Monday, April 28 @ 11:30 AM - Missions Service & Lunch

Rev. Bret Allen, District Superintendent

Rev. Bret L. Allen was elected to serve as the District Superintendent of the Northern California/Nevada Assemblies of God in April, 2016. Rev. Allen has been a Youth Pastor, Missionary, Leadership Coach, District Youth Director, Author and Senior Pastor. Rev. Allen oversees the over 450 churches comprising over 129,000 adherents in Northern California and Nevada District.

Monday, April 28 @ 1:30 PM - State of the District Address

Rev. Brenda Sandquist

Monday, April 28 @ 6:30 PM

Rev. Brenda is the founder and executive director for Xquisite, a nonprofit, established in 2012, specifically designed to walk alongside victims of human trafficking, sexual assault, and intimate terrorism (domestic violence) to bring them from a place of exploitation, not only surviving but to thrive in their next steps for a life free from what has held them captive.  She is passionate about leading a movement of strong women who have become empowered to have their voices heard and to shatter secrets they have had to live under, exposing their truth to become Diamond Strong. 

Rev. Ron Eivaz

Monday, April 28 @ 6:30 PM

Pastor Ron has been pastor of Harvest Church in Turlock since 1998. Harvest is a growing and dynamic church throughout the Central Valley in California. Upon experiencing personal revival in 1999, the Eivaz’s began a journey of transformation at Harvest Church that is still impacting the church’s vision today, “Reaching Cities and Influencing Nations.”

Rev. Tim Gavigan

Monday, April 28 @ 6:30 PM

Pastor Tim have had the privilege of calling Glad Tidings Church in San Francisco home since 2001, with becoming the senior pastor in 2018. Pastors Tim & Katie desire is to see the City of San Francisco experience the love of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit. One of the main ways they believe this will happen is by people discovering the gifts that God gave them and beginning to love and serve others with those gifts. 

Dr. Samuel Huddleston, District Assistant Superintendent

Dr. Samuel Huddleston was elected as Assistant District Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Northern California and Nevada District at their annual District Council on April 21, 2004. His responsibilities include oversight of our district’s Churches, District Men’s Ministries and our NCN US Missionaries.

Tuesday, April 29 @ 1:00 PM - Legacy Service

Rev. Dr. Jay Herndon, District Secretary-Treasurer

Dr. Jay Herndon was elected as District Secretary-Treasurer of the Assemblies of God, Northern California and Nevada District at their annual District Council on April 19, 2005. In addition to general executive officer responsibilities (assisting and advising churches and ministers, and speaking frequently in churches) Dr. Herndon’s responsibilities include oversight of the credentialing of ministers, chartering of churches, legal and property matters, insurance programs, and District finances.

Tuesday, April 29 @ 6:30 PM - Ordination Service