District Assistant Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Samuel M. Huddleston
Recently a friend gave me a quote that he received from a fortune cookie. He immediately wanted me to know that he did not believe in these fortunes, but he did believe in this saying. I then read these words, “The Ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands.”
2021 is one more year that has come and gone. Many have gone before us and yet we are still here. Here I am privileged to write another annual report for this office I serve in. It is still my highest privilege in life to do so.
One of the most rewarding things I do is conduct a weekly prayer call with pastors and leaders in our district and beyond. We do not pray long, and we always begin with praying in the Spirit. This we have been doing for 7 years, I believe. It began with a week of praying daily at a specific time. When that ended, we moved to weekly and have not stopped.
It has been rewarding to see God answer our prayers. It has been challenging at times to pray with those who have lost loved ones to covid and other illnesses. The blessing in the tears is we know we will see and be with them again. Although that thought does not lessen the immediate pain.
We had no idea when we started this Sunday 7 am prayer time what was going to be going on within our society and the world. Division seems to be the order of the day, even in some churches.
But through it all we have continued to call on the name of the One who has said, ”I will never leave you nor forsake you.” He is the same one who said, “Heaven and earth WILL pass away, but MY word will endure forever.” He is still faithful in our yesterdays, todays and will be so in our tomorrows. My father would often remind me that if God fails me, it would be the first time he had failed, and I would be the first one. I think that goes for lot of us.
As things opened up, Linda and I were privileged to visit many of our churches, both District Affiliated and General Council. What a joy to find our people praising God from whom all blessings flow. Being WITH them was an encouragement to our very souls.
It is my prayer that as the world becomes more divided, we HIS church will not become so. That if and when we disagree, we will do so in words that are softly spoken and in great humility. May His grace help us walk together and hold hands so we can show the world although we disagree, we are still unified by the blood of the One who paid it all with His life.
New District Affiliated Pastors
We congratulate these new lead pastors that were installed in our District Affiliated churches in 2021:
Centro Calvario Assembly of God of Atwater, CA // Pastor Isaac Lucero
Happy Camp Assembly of God of Happy Camp, CA // Pastor Jim Uhey
Battle Mountain Assembly of God of Battle Mountain, NV // Pastor Zach Beardsley
Cutten Community Church of the Assemblies of God of Eureka, CA // Pastor Mike Gitchel
We are grateful to God for them serving their church and community. Pray for them and welcome them to the family. Send them a note of welcome and maybe even a Starbucks card.
District Churches / District Missions
Even during this time of Covid, our churches have continued to give financially to missions. I am so grateful to them for not cutting out the church Mission, giving to our Missionaries while they are still on the field. May God bless them.
Other reports you will read are our from Intercultural Ministries from Rev. Dennis Conrad, Chi Alpha and Adult Teen Challenge (ATC) Ministries. Each time I meet with Dennis, leaders from ATC or our directors from Chi Alpha my heart rejoices. I think of heaven for it says in Revelation 7:9-12:
“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb...And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb…They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, saying: “Amen Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”
Please remember, “The Ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands.” We call that FELLOWSHIP or FAMILY. Preparation for heaven.
Intercultural Ministries Report
Director Rev. Dennis Conrad
It’s hard to believe that Lynda and I have had the joy of serving for 12 years as the NCN Intercultural Ministries Directors! We love being a part of the amazing cultural families in our diverse district. We covet, and we thank you for your prayers as we continue.
In 2021 I was able to visit Las Vegas (which has one of the most diverse cultures of our nation), first when I met with several ethnic ministers at Trinity Life Center, pastored by Randy Greer; and again, later in the year, for a Samoan farewell service and a Tongan memorial service.
Again, this year we had good representation from our ethnic ministers at our Tahoe Retreat.
Another delightful experience I enjoyed this year was a cross-cultural Thanksgiving service in Hayward with Pastor Brian Gering where seven different ethnic congregations joined together in celebration of their diversity and unity.
The highlight of the year was the Future Church Seminar (photo shown below) where key ethnic leaders across our district were challenged by Superintendent Bret Allen and Executive Presbyter Angelo Austria who shared their visions for preparing for pastoral transition, which helped lay a foundation for the NCN Spiritual Heritage Seminars we have planned for 2022 with Assist. General Superintendent Rick DuBose.
Future Church Seminar
I continue to appreciate serving alongside the NCN Ethnic Fellowship Chairmen, their Executive Committees, and our Ethnic Presbyters. I am ever grateful for the backing, wisdom, and encouragement, from Dr. Sam, the IMAC Team (Intercultural Ministries Advisory Committee): Stephen Raman, Victor Gaiduchik, Omega Camacho, Eremasi Vabasi, Inoke Baleinauluvatu, Paul Vi, Paul Willis, Rebekah Igafo, Will Nelken, and especially to Lynda Conrad, my ever-patient, always supportive helpmate.
This year, at Teen Challenge NorWestCal Nevada (NWCN), we celebrated a “Fresh Start” in the lives of their 2022 students. This year’s ceremony will showcase the following achievements:
33 eighteen-month graduations
48 twelve-month completions
3 high school graduations
Thank you again to Teen Challenge NWCN for reaching the lost for the cause of Christ.
It’s been a fantastic year of ministry on our university campuses. Students didn’t just meet in person they’ve met with God and are being transformed by the love and power of Christ.
RIGHT: What a blessing it was to be able to spend the weekend with our West Coast Chi Alpha Directors, Jeremy and Debora Anderson, their team, and all the students. Thank you for all you do and your heart to reach the lives of students across the West coast.
LEFT: Pastor Jeremy Anderson, our West Coast Chi Alpha Director, prophesying over students at the 2021 SALT CONFERENCE. He and his team hosted over 200 students. Thank you for your leadership and dedication as such a man of God. You and your team embody such hunger and thirst for the Lord that truly blesses this next generation.
UC Davis Chi Alpha Weekly Service
Jeshua Anderson, with mom Debora Anderson, sharing a word of wisdom