District Superintendent’s Report
Bret Allen
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3 NIV84
I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and salvation. I do not conceal your love and your truth from the great assembly. Psalms 40:10 NIV84
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 NIV84
As I reflect on 2022, my primary response is appreciation for the faithfulness of God as our pastors ministered in unique and challenging days. I am grateful to God for His unswerving faithfulness to us, His Church. In 2022 we saw the evidence of Gods protective hand on our ministers and on the ministries of Northern California and Nevada. The faithfulness of God is witnessed in the individual stories of ministers who stood strong in difficult days. These are days when the divine calling of God is essential. The call of God is what allows ministers to continue to minister with unflinching consistency while many around them do not. Simply stated, Northern California and Nevada represents frontline ministry in our country. Through it all you have proven faithful – faithful because God has been so faithful to you, to us. Pastor, leader, volunteer - I commend you, I salute you, for your faithfulness to the one who called you – He is faithful!
Last year’s District Council was held under the theme of “Possible”. We hosted 831 registered participants at the hybrid District Council. As we gathered, we did so with the knowledge that we are in a season when the supernatural empowerment of Gods Spirit is an absolute necessity. On Monday evening our service consisted of three incredible testimonies and interactive times of prayer and ministry. The entire schedule of district council was met with the presence of God. Our goal was for ministers to leave council encouraged and empowered by the Spirit of God. Our ordination service again was blessed by Gods presence. We were privileged to host Southern California Network Superintendent, Rich Guerra as our speaker. Pastor Guerra brought a powerful challenge to the 45 ordination candidates.
Within the annual State of the District address, I had the privilege of honoring the following individuals for their contributions within the life of the NCN District in different areas:
Legacy Award- Rev. Mary Fairrington
Honor Awards - Rev. Jon Lugo and Rev. Michael Ciociola
Community Awards - Rev. Paul Gottlieb and Rev. Robert T Schlipp
Unity Awards - Rev. Pete Vossler and Rev. Brandon Philpott

NCN Missions
2022 was a great year for Northern California and Nevada District in the area of missions giving. A few of the outstanding statistics are as follows:
· The District Resource Center gave $19,945.27 in support of 7 missionaries
Total of all contributions from Northern California and Nevada District Council to missions was $16,158,179.51
I would like to recognize the faithful efforts of our World Missions Team. The members of this team are Harley Allen, Craig Andrus, Char Blair, David Blythe, Abe Daniel, Paul Gottlieb, Debbie Heden, Jim Heden, Perry Kallevig, Jimmy Myers, Grace Sakuda, and Ryan Wright.
Each of these serve with a passionate desire to see Assemblies of God missions’ endeavors flourish across the country and around the world.
Mission Villa housing continues to be a valuable resource for the missionaries of NCN. On August 31, 2022, we saw a change in the management of these six missionary houses. Mary Farrington retired after 20 years of faithful service. In response to this incredible service we have named one of the houses in honor of Douglas and Mary Fairrington. Thank you, Douglas and Mary, for your faithful service to our missionaries by managing these homes with a spirit of servanthood and excellence.
Minsters Retreat
In 2022, we tried something new for the Minister’s Retreat. We had three! They were held September 3-5 at North Lake Tahoe at The Hyatt Regency; October 3-5 at Scotts Valley at The Hilton and October 24-26 at the Lake Las Vegas Resort in Las Vegas.
Registration numbers began to swell as ministers anticipated our time together in fellowship and worship. We were excited to see 528 in attendance representing 130 churches. Couples, individuals, and staffs all gathered as we watched one of our core values – fellowship – take center stage throughout. Rev. Choco de Jesus was the guest speaker at this event. Pastor Choco brought three sessions of relevant encouragement and challenges to our ministers.
For 2023 we will return to North Lake Tahoe at The Hyatt Regency September 4-6 and Lake Las Vegas Resort in Las Vegas October 16-18. We cannot wait to see you at one of these retreats. Start planning now.
“We Build Pastors”
“We Build Pastors” has become a functioning mission statement for the District Resource Center. Under this banner our mentoring, developing, and encouraging efforts were well attended and well received in 2022. Cal Swenson continues to do an amazing job making these events practical and applicable for the ministers of Northern California and Nevada. This year’s focus was on Spiritual Heritage. Rev. Rick DuBose brought four unique and timely messages for NCN ministers and churches. There were hubs hosted throughout the district for churches, sections, and leaders to come together regardless of distance to the main location.
I am appreciative to Cal Swenson for his partnership not only in this event, but our daily partnership at the District Resource Center. Cal you are a blessing to this district, thank you for the time, energy, and expertise that you invested into the ministers of our district.
First Time Senior Pastors Cohort
Each month the Executive Officers meet with a group of ministers who are currently leading their church as first-time senior pastors. We were honored to have engaged 14 ministers during 2022 in this cohort. The format of these session is simple and effective. Each first time senior pastor brings questions, issues, and topics to the table that they are dealing with. The Executive Officers teach practices and principles on the topics presented. It is a privilege for Dr. Sam, Dr. Jay and myself to spend time on a monthly basis with these amazing young leaders.

Speaking engagements on Sunday :
Valerie and I continue to value and appreciate the opportunities extended to us as we visit Sunday morning church services. We have honored to be given the privilege of ministering in several of our churches throughout the year. We were privileged to visit 25 different churches for Sunday morning worship services. We also were invited to speak at 55 non-church service events. 2022 also afforded me the opportunity to meet with 20 separate church board to assist them on a variety of issues. I am honored to stand with the lay leadership of our local churches as they walk through seasons of challenge. Each of these events were special to us. Thank you for including us in the life of your local church.
Pastoral Connections:
I was privileged to in 2022 to have 288 connections one on one with our districts’ ministers. Throughout 2021, the NCN team had the following interactions through personal connection or remote connections:
For Care: Over the course of 352 interactions, 1,372 churches participate and there were 7,363 participants.
For Consulting: Over the course of 280 interactions, 463 churches participate and there were 1,094 participants.
For Equipping: Over the course of 313 interactions, 2,930 churches participate and there were 12,286 participants.
What a blessing to regularly meet with the ministers who represent the frontline of the Northern California and Nevada District. I am grateful for our ministers and impressed by the love and commitment that they demonstrate in their fields of ministry. Pastors, I am inspired by your commitment and dedication. I am appreciative for the opportunities afforded me and for the honor of meeting with you, leading, and fellowshipping with you in these times.
Valerie and I are humbled and grateful to serve this great District Council. As we complete our seventh year in the office of Superintendent, we are increasingly grateful to the District Presbytery, the Executive Presbytery, and the employees who serve at the District Resource Center. Thank you for the hours, effort, prayer, and dedication that is routinely demonstrated in your efforts to serve the ministers of Northern California and Nevada. Special thanks to Bridget Gallup who serves my office as Executive Administrator. Special thanks and recognition of my fellow officers, Dr. Sam Huddleston and Dr. Jay Herndon. To each, your integrity and leadership are exemplary, your passion for ministers is obvious, and your partnership with me is invaluable. Thank you for all you do here at home, on the national level and around the world. We are blessed at this season to have such amazing individuals both serving this council. Thank you to the ministers of this great district who have entrusted me with a charge of leadership. I am privileged and honored to submit this report.
Dedicated to your success,
Bret L Allen
District Superintendent
Northern California & Nevada District Council